In Today's News: "Medical Society Offers Free Brochures on Violence Prevention"

Friday, December 07, 2012

WALTHAM, Mass. — Physicians of the Massachusetts Medical Society have produced a series of 10 brochures to help parents identify and deal with a range of topics on youth violence, including bullying, dating and street violence, violence in the media, and child sexual abuse.(emphasis ours)

They are available free to parents, educators, youth counselors, or others who work with children and youth.

Originated by Dr. Robert D. Sege and developed by the Medical Society's Committee on Violence Intervention and Prevention, the current publications are updated versions of a previous series and contain information from a variety of sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and Massachusetts Citizens for Children. They are written by experts in the field of youth violence.

Dr. Elliot Pittel, chairman of the society's Committee on Violence Intervention and Prevention and a psychiatrist at The Home for Little Wanderers in Boston, called attention to the severity of the problem.

"Violence or abuse affecting children occurs in far too many places – in the home, at school, on the street, online, in relationships - and has enormous effects on physical and mental health," said Pittel. "And we see the results all too often in headlines and news reports. Physicians can play a major role in addressing the needs of hurt and injured children by screening for violence as an essential part of every visit to the doctor."

Sege, director of the Division of Family and Child Advocacy at Boston Medical Center and professor of pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, said the goal "is to reach beyond the physician's office, to educate parents and those who care for children with expert, practical information, first to prevent violence, and then, when and if it does occur, to intervene appropriately."

The series' 10 titles are:

  • Protecting Your Child From Sexual Abuse (call 617-742-8555 x3 or email to get your copy from the Enough Abuse Campaign)
  • When Children Witness Violence in the Home
  • Bullying Prevention: When Your Child  is the Victim, the Bully, or the Bystander
  • Street Violence: Your Child Has Been Hurt, What You Can Do
  • Dating Violence: What Parents Need To Know
  • Protecting Your Child From Gun Injury
  • Pulling the Plug on Media Violence
  • Some Myths and Facts About Violence
  • Time-Out! A Break From Negative Behavior
  • Raise Your Child With Praise: Tips for Parents of 2-5 year-olds

The brochures may be downloaded free at Printed copies may be ordered individually or in sets from the Medical Society by writing to or calling 1-800-322-2303, Ext. 7373.

The publications are part of the Society’s Campaign Against Violence, co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Medical Society Alliance. Other materials in the effort are two guides for health care professionals, both also free via download from the society's website.

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